Is there ANYTHING more satisfying than finishing off a trilogy (or a duet, or a series) of books that you've been connected to over a period of time?
We were dying to read
Mockingjay, by
Suzanne Collins, the final book in the trilogy begun in
The Hunger Games. Thanks to our friend Diana, we both devoured it over the past few days. It did NOT disappoint!!
Yesterday I was talking about the book to my friend Heather, from our fabulous client
Children's Book World. I told her that luckily I was sick last Saturday and spent the whole morning in bed reading the book, and I commented to her, "Oh, I guess you can't do that much, with two kids."
She got a crafty look on her face and said "I call books like that the
BAD MOMMY BOOKS because I put in the Thomas videos, sit them down and say "Mommy's going to read now!"
So there, all you literary anti-TV folks. There is a good side to kids watching TV, after all...